Leading up to ‘Summit Day’

Daily thoughts for the last four nights/five days of this experience on the grand Continental Divide Trail! I’ll journal them at night before bed.

September 17; day 146! 10.5 miles; Two Medicine campground:
Earlier today RB asked me if I was ready for this; ‘this’ being the last portion…of leaving East Glacier and entering Glacier National Park. I told him I wasn’t sure. I’m ready in some ways; I’m not ready in others! I’ve grown weary of life out here at times but I also love it. You know, that love/hate thing. Sleeping on my NeoAir in my Hubba tent with my LaFuma down bag is so cozy! But it isn’t just about sleep. Or vistas/views. Or being able to eat whatever I’d choose with no qualms about nutrition. Or the many other perceived romantic aspects of my life out here. It’s about life lived with people with an eternal perspective and a present urgency. I know more and more that life shared with people is a gift! I am ready to be back in my community in NC.

I also want to celebrate completion of the CDT in and of itself- not in the limelight of celebrating my Triple Crown. Two separate, meaningful (to me) accomplishments that I desire to reflect upon. I’ll see how that pans out.

Glacier is already beautiful. I am so excited about what is coming up.

An owl is hooting in the distance. It’s WILD out here.

September 18; day 147; 28 miles and camped at Red Eagle Lake Foot:
Wildfire smoke from Oregon/Washington filled the skies most of today which dulled the scenery. The wind has been crazy today- even now as I am laying in tent. My body and mind felt terribly weary today but I had to push it over two significant passes anyway! Laying horizontal right now feels like a gift. I’d also like to say that it’s a gift I could make it up and over those mountains today- even in a weary state!

I read Matthew 5-6 tonight before journaling. There’s quite a bit in those two chapters to chew on as far a living a life in a manner worthy of the calling. And the end of chapter 6 says it… Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness!

Tonight is the third to last day out here. Only two more full days of hiking. Doesn’t seem real. People often romanticize woods life, at least those folks who’d do anything to be out here but instead feel stuck in their suburban lifestyles. It’s not romantic. Well, maybe it does feel like it occasionally. It’s tough. It’s dirty. It’s challenging on a daily basis. It’s a wonderful platform to have layers stripped off and a new perspective given. That’s often painful in the moment.

September 19; day 148; 29.6 miles; Many Glacier campground:
Waking up several times last night to intense wind gusts and rain hitting my tent wasn’t actually conducive to feeling rested this morning. Still stormy and unpredictable, RB and I packed up and immediately started hiking and had breakfast down trail when the weather cleared. The day did not start off well. Rain, wind, no breakfast, an argument (that thankfully was ironed out as RB and I walked and as the Spirit of God brought awareness and conviction to me)… But I will vouch for how the beauty of the day did unfold. I’m spent physically as I lay in this tent. We climbed up and over Pigean Pass- a 3,000′ ascent and then basically the same elevation loss. Talk about breath-takingly beautiful!! It was worth every step I took and every ‘HEY, BEAR!!’ I had to yell today. What a place to near the end of my hike.

Only 35 measly miles left! Taking a break today I began to be sentimental with RB and Shutterbug about how I’ll miss breaking with them after tough miles… Me licking my dirty Cheeto-fingers ‘clean’ and them giving each other hard times about being old… I’ll be separated from the opportunity to guiltlessly eat a bag of Cheetos, but more importantly I’ll be separated from these people I’ve grown to love and who I share about every single hour of the day with… I’ve met some special folks! I’ve shared some incredible moments with these people. There’s a place in my heart and in my life for these particular people- the hiker trash!

I took a sleep aid since it’s super windy again, I’m at a busy campground, and I must sleep tonight. I think it’s kicking in!!

September 20; Day 149; 28 miles and cowboy camping at Koontenai Lake:
This was the last full day of hiking and is the last night of camping on the CDT. We are cowboy camping! This means the weather is perfect. A million stars are shining brightly above me now. It’s beautiful.

We reunited with a bunch of hikers at the campsite tonight. It was strange knowing how to take it all in- to be transparent with you. Each of us hikers have had our own variations on this trail. Some are adamant about continuous steps; some skip around and are open about it; some skip around and are tight-lipped. We all have opinions about these different ‘styles’ but like to maintain political correctness by stating, ‘HYOH (hike your own hike)’. But at the end of this trail I find myself at a loss of how to genuinely respond to folks who have hiking styles that resulted in gaps of missed trail, yet refer to themselves as thru hikers. At the end of the day, though…And in all of eternity, this little label matters not. So then why do I struggle with this? More areas of needed growth being made obvious to me.

Today’s hike was by far one of the most beautiful days on trail. Stellar views, perfect weather, and smooth tread allowed for space to reflect some and to ‘mindlessly’ hike, as well. This is a gift because many of our days on trail required mental engagement so we wouldn’t twist an ankle walking over rocks or through the mud or walk off a steep slope or get whacked in the head by a fallen tree that’s just low enough to catch the top of your head or get lost down a random road or walk circles in a bog. Therefore, having time to walk and not be fully engaged in those basic functions while hiking opened up time to ‘just be’. Truly a gift.

Tomorrow I hit the border with RB and Shutterbug. I’m proud to do so. Now to gaze up at the stars one last night on this trail.






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